The Last Empress of Mars
New Schwabenland, Continent of Antartica - January 1947
The very last mega U-Boot of the Kriegsmarine, the pride of the Nazi submarine fleet, had just unloaded its cargo including the last of the key players in the now defunct Nazi regime. These stragglers had been in hiding and had finally arrived on these very last submarines, while in Europe the ashes of the once seemingly unstoppable Third Reich still smoldered, here in Antarctica, the foundation of a Fourth Reich was being firmly established with the last supplies and personnel arriving throughout 1945 and 1946 on over 100 of the most modern submarines in the Nazi war machine. This was a plan that was set in motion even before the war started, when in 1938 the Deutsche Antarktische Expedition began to explore, map, and claim large areas of this white continent and established the basis for NeuSchwabenland in an area previously claimed by Norway. Hundreds of miles were mapped in all directions, but the key event was the discovery by German U-boots of an underwater passage that led to a hidden tropical oasis miles under the permafrost. A system of gargantuan caves and tunnels, as well as ancient structures dating back to a time before the ice cover, this paradise was fueled by underground volcanos providing geothermal heat for energy, with gigantic freshwater lakes and extending for hundreds of miles, capable of providing a future home for thousands of displaced Nazis and their descendants. An ideal place to make a last stand if need be, but even more meaningful, a place to begin a new Reich which could one day regain the lost glory and finally culminate in the dream of an Aryan led World where Germania would rise again and defeat the lesser races as they had once done in decimating three Roman Legions who had had the audacity to come into their homeland to try and conquer them. It was an error that Rome never cared to repeat. This was a place where the best scientists could refine the most advanced weapons for the new Reich, a place where the young could be properly educated, grow strong and multiply, all with the future goal of world domination. It was also a place where the remaining members of the Thule
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