The Last Empress of Mars

his favorite son and the heir to the Empire, to their way of isolationist thinking and that if such a loss occurred, he would be blamed for it in the afterlife. Thus, he had entrusted this mission to Zheng He, his most loyal right-hand man and most highly trusted Admiral. A man, well actually a eunuch to be exact, who stood over 7 feet tall and had a razor-sharp mind and the will and courage of ten men despite his missing anatomical parts. He was fiercely loyal to the emperor, a somewhat curious fact since his father had been killed by the emperor’s troops and he himself had been taken prisoner as a boy and castrated along with several thousand other boys. He had however, been given the opportunity of a good education and his natural talents had allowed him to rise to the top and to become the emperor Zhu Di´s most trusted and loyal servant. However, the final mission would not be carried out by Zheng He as this would require his absence from the Imperial Court for far too long and this was something the emperor could not bear to deal with, so Zheng He would lead the fleet only so far and had given the actual carrying out of the mission to his most trusted and capable Admirals, Hong Bao and Zhou Man. It was their mission to find 8 separate spots in these new lands where they would hide each artifact and secretly save those locations for posterity by picking their most trusted man. Since the two Admirals were also eunuchs, it would be their duty to each select a man with a family or the capability to have a family and who would swear to protect with his life the secret of the locations of these artifacts and pass down that sacred duty to his descendants until such time as those artifacts would be needed to protect mankind. It would also be these two family's duties to protect anyone who came from a third selected family whose duty was to always be ready to find the artifacts when called upon to do so. Thus, three family lines were established: the North Star and the Southern Cross to keep the secret clues to each of the locations and also to offer protection and aid to the third family, one chosen by Zheng He himself. This family line would be known as the White Dragon Celestials, who, when the proper time came, would oversee finding, safeguarding and if called upon, using the powers of the artifacts handed down from antiquity. For this third family line, Zheng He made a most unusual choice which he expected would someday prove his foresight…

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