The Last Empress of Mars
Sergeant flashed a big smile and stepped to the side to let him pass.
“I trust Sergeant, that you have not allowed anyone into the room?” Niko asked.
“No, mi Detective, I know better than that, Gonzales and I have been here making sure none of these chepitos (slang for curious bystanders) gets in!” Sergeant Avila said. “Excellent Sergeant, I’m going in and if the Investigación Criminal team shows up to gather evidence, tell them to wait outside until I am done!” Niko said.
“Si mi Detective, but they are noooooooooooooooooot going to like it!” The Sergeant said.
“Well Sergeant, I am not a monedita de oro, (a gold coin) to make everyone happy all the time. When I am done, then they can come in and not a minute before, is that perfectly clear?” Niko said.
“ SI! mi Detective, crystal clear, they are not getting past me!” The Sergeant stated in a booming voice while flashing a big toothy smile.
Looking back at Sergeant Avila blocking the door again, Nikolai smiled to himself and had no doubt that was true.
“Mi Detective, should we keep everyone from leaving the Hotel to question them?” asked the Sergeant.
“No, Sergeant, that won’t be necessary. The odds are the killer or killers are long gone but do tell the officers downstairs to check everyone’s ID and write down a list before you let them leave the hotel and to also send a couple of officers to take down the same information in each room. Have the Hotel Manager get us a copy of the video surveillance tapes and a copy of the guest registry and have him send someone along to open the rooms that don’t answer and make sure it’s done in a polite manner. No reason
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