Costa Rica´s Best Guide

But location and beauty aside, what other elements combine to make this the Happiest Country in Latin America?

A recent study sponsored by the United Nations, the 2021 World Happiness Report (covering the period of 2018-20 and the ninth report they have done since 2012) uses the results of the Gallup World Poll team that look at the perception of happiness by the people living in each country and Lloyd ’ s Register Foundation, which provides access to the World Risk Poll. These results are added to other country measurements to come up with a ranking of the happiest countries. This last one placed Finland at the top and Afghanistan at the bottom and considered the effects on all countries of the Covid-19 pandemic. You can read the entire report at: These reports are launched annually on International Day of Happiness, March 20th. Costa Rica was ranked 16th, placing it at the top of the Latin American countries as well as above the United

States and many other First World countries. Some of the items measured are Quality of Life and Length of Life. Costa Rica is again the leader in Latin America on life expectancy and places 20 places above the US. When you combine World Class Medical and Dental care (both Public and Private) with easy and affordable availability of healthy foods and so many places to go and relax the mind, that are both affordable and spectacular and within easy reach, you get a population that even in difficult times, has a perception of happiness and it shows in the friendliness and happy demeanor of the average Costa Rican. Ranking of Freedom to Make Life Choices places Costa Rica in 11th place worldwide. By comparison Canada is 19th, the United Kingdom is 52nd and the US is ranked in 62nd place. So, it is the sum of all these realities and perceptions that combine to make Costa Rica so unique and such a good choice for both Visitors and for those wishing to relocate.

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