Costa Rica´s Best Guide

BEST INSURANCE COSTA RICA: leadership and track record

Best Insurance Costa Rica has been present in the Costa Rican insurance market for 15 years -focused on foreigners residing in the country-, and specialized in the management of personal and general insurance, such as medical, life, automobile, home and commercial. among others, helping you in this way, to protect your most precious assets.

“During all this time, we have distinguished ourselves by providing diversified products and services, with effective, agile and innovative solutions that respond to the needs of our policyholders and positively impact their quality of life. We are aware that clients seek greater agility and effectiveness in each management, for this reason, we constantly work to improve our processes and provide excellent service”, says Freddy Pacheco, main broker of Best Insurance Costa Rica. Best Insurance Costa Rica works to advance in the automation of processes and simplification of procedures to achieve greater efficiency in its services. In addition, it implements strategies that allow them to know the particularities of each of their customer segments and thus be able to offer products in accordance with their needs, expectations and budgets, also providing comprehensive advice for the insurance and attention to claims. "Our goal is to help and guide all our clients with the best insurance options, accompany them and advise them at each stage and moment of their lives, to provide them with the solutions that best suit their needs," explained Pacheco, who has distinguished himself in the market as: main producer of BlueCross BlueShield Costa Rica (now ASSA) during the last 8 years, and also among the main leaders of Oceanica de Seguros and PRISMA, which is the largest insurance broker in Costa Rica.


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