Costa Rica´s Best Guide


Investing in Real Estate offshore can be both an exciting prospect but also a daunting undertaking to consider due to the distance, a perceived uncertainty regarding how secure that investment will be and a lack of knowledge of the local laws. Costa Rica is in many ways the ideal offshore location if you are considering investing in real estate in a foreign country because it offers peace of mind for your investment decision in a variety of ways that directly address those concerns.

In 2018, according to International Living, Costa Rica was picked as the best location in the World to retire due to the political and economic stability, the beauty of its wondrous natural attractions, its beautiful beaches, abundant flora and fauna, really great weather, quality of life, world class health care availability, easy availability of healthy food, clean water availability countrywide, good communications structure, and friendly people being just some of the good reasons. While there are other countries in Latin America that are cheaper, the

overall value and quality of life that you get for your dollar, when all is considered, is what makes Costa Rica a winner hands-down. All of these advantages make it an ideal vacation spot as well as the ideal retirement and investment location. The property prices in comparison to what you would pay for a similar property in North America and Europe are considerably lower by far, as well as the ongoing costs. To cite a specific example let ´ s look at a couple from Florida that recently purchased a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home inside a secure and modern

While some other countries in Latin America may be

cheaper, the overall value & quality of life that you get for your dollar, when all is considered, is what makes Costa Rica a winner hands-down.



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