Costa Rica Real Estate Magazine
UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Get to Know your Construction Professional at the Beaches Section
What are you currently doing with your construction company and what unique skills or products do you offer to your clients? I have three homes under construction right now. I have a 1-bedroom natural home where we have used all natural products. I also have an all steel and concrete building going up as well as an all steel and wood building. Please see my Ad on the opposite page for the unique things we bring to the table. What are the Pros and Cons to build- ing in a tropical climate such as is found here in Costa Rica? We build mostly in the South of Costa Rica and the building atmosphere here is different than anywhere in the world. Not only do you have the jungle contin- uedly trying to take back your house, but you have high humidity levels that if you use the wrong product your house will grow mold very quickly. Over the years the biggest challenge was learn- ing what product to use and what not to use. Luckily for me there were enough people making these mistakes and as a Home Inspector here in Costa Rica I was able to see these mistakes and learn from them before I started to build.
What is your advice to persons wanting to have a house built in CR? My advice is come down and visit for a full year before you start cutting down our jungles to build your dream home. We have enough empty homes in the jungle because people could not make it here. Like the wild west, it is not for ev- eryone and most love it but a few do not. The other caveat is do not over build! What you needed back home; you do not need here. Outdoor living is every- thing here so your outdoor space should be 3 times the size of your house. The last advice is to remember you are mov- ing to a different country, the locals do not live like you, and they should not have to change to accommodate you, if anything, you need to change to accom- modate to your new home. Respect the locals and give in to the peacefully sim- ple, natural life in Costa Rica and you will enjoy every day here like I have and continue to do so. Living in this beautiful area of the South Pacific, how do you like to spend your free time? My free time is hiking in the jungle, find- ing new waterfalls, and just lying on the beach.
Mr. Vogel, how long have you lived in Costa Rica and why did you choose to live here? I have been coming to Costa Rica for 9 years. The first time I came just to visit and then I came back every year to teach English. I have now lived in Costa Rica for 2 years. I began testing my product Pavix here 6 years ago because for the company to warranty the product for 20 years we had to have data showing it would work equally well in extreme jungle condi- tions. During those 6 years I also took courses on how to build in the tropics and courses on bamboo building and solar power. I took these courses not only so I could be a builder with them but so I knew what I was talking about and how to solve problems when my guys ran into them. Where did you live prior to moving to Costa Rica and what was your prior work experience? Before moving to Costa Rica, I lived in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and I owned a concrete and home building compa- ny for 20 years. 5 years ago, I went to school to become a home inspector so that I could inspect homes as well as re- pair and build them.
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