Costa Rica Real Estate Magazine June-September 2020
This is a year none of us will forget. What has happened has changed the world and everything in it. All our hopes, plans, and expectations have needed to be reevaluated.
24 COSTA RICA REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE However, if you have been thinking of planning your retirement, those plans may seem to have been derailed as the markets sort themselves out, and it will take strong mindsets to feel confidence moving forward. On the other hand, this may also have caused you to take pause, to do a re-set and perhaps think about actually moving your retirement plan forward. Perhaps now is the time to make that decision, to think about your quality of life and how and where N onetheless, the sun still rises every morning, babies are be- ing born and we continue to hear about wonderful and random acts of kindness - we will continue to find joy in the smallest of things, because we have to. Shelagh Duncan Royal Palm Interiors Next to the BCR Bank-Uvita de OSA - 2743-8323 Like us on Facebook:
80 years, and you must already know about our Happiness Factor! Costa Rica’s decision to abolish their army in 1948 and direct their budget towards education and healthcare is paying off, and the evidence is shown in how quickly this pandemic was con- tained. Living here is not cheaper than other Latin American countries - but one thing Costa Rica is able to offer is greater value for money! Quality of life has a value, safety and peace of mind have value, being able to become part of a local community and the feeling of be- longing has value. We are a safe, democratic and politi- cally stable country, so our financial in- stitutions are sound. Because of this, many major corporations have decided to make sizable investments here, both financially and physically, with major production and distribution facilities. Our well educated, skilled and largely bilingual population is a rich resource for these multinationals.
you want to spend your future. When we think about the different places to retire there are many factors to consider, and now more than ever healthcare is top of mind. Costa Rica has stood out a full head and shoulders above many more de- veloped countries in the way they have handled this current crisis. Back in Feb- ruary 2020 Costa Rica had began prep- arations for dealing with the Coronavi- rus outbreak before it was even known to have arrived in the country! Those of us who chose CR as our adoptive country are indeed proud of the leader- ship, determination and plain common sense shown by those in power, as well as the Costa Rican people themselves. This small country of less than 5 mil- lion enjoys free elections, freedom of speech, free education and has more than 50 universities. It has universal and private healthcare, and it is worth remembering that Costa Rica offers some of the best health care in Latin America. Life expectancy here is about
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